Generate invoice


A solution to automate your invoice issuance and delivery process through different means that can be connected to your ERP. It includes the sending of invoices to your clients, their storage and consultation through secure and reliable platforms.


Plataforma segura y confiable.

Safe and reliable platform.

Basta con un acceso.

All you need is Internet access from any computer equipment, without the need to install additional software or hardware.

Integridad y autenticidad de los documentos garantizada.

Integrity and authenticity of the documents guaranteed.

Apego y cumplimiento a las disposiciones fiscales.

Adherence and compliance with tax provisions.

Consulta de documentos en línea.

Consultation of documents online.

Mayor seguridad y confidencialidad de la información.

Information security and confidentiality.

Buzón de entrega asegurada y directa: sin SPAM, sin virus y sin bloqueos.

Direct and secured delivery mailbox: no SPAM, no viruses and no blockages.

Contribución para lograr un Mundo Sin Papel.

Contribution to achieve a Paperless World.

Scope of Genera XML - CFDI

Secure communication channel to issue your invoices in SFTP or WS.
Standard printed representation.
Distribution of documents generated to your clients through receiving accounts with My Mailbox E or by email with “BE Mail”.
Portal for viewing and consulting your issued vouchers.
Delivery of error reports.


Download our brochure with detailed and simple information about us and how to issue and deliver invoices in XML format, complying with current regulations.

Brochure Buzón E

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