Generate withholding invoices

Genera XML Retenciones

To comply with the requirements of the RMF, in Buzón E we provide a solution for the issuance of the Electronic Document of Withholdings and Payments in invoice format, a receipt that must be delivered to the SAT with the information of the withholdings and payments made by taxpayers with the complement that corresponds to each case. Our solution helps to generate this format easily, safely and in a friendly portal.


Cumplimiento al 100% con las disposiciones fiscales.

100% compliance with tax provisions.

Contamos con todos los complementos.

We have all the complements.


Automation of electronic record delivery for efficient management and better service to recipients.


Manual capture of your records through a template.

Sin inversión

No investment in additional hardware or software, or licensing costs.

We have all the complements:

• Alienation of shares.
• Dividends.
• Interests.
• Leasing in escrow.
• Payments to foreigners.
• Awards.

• Non-business escrow.

• Retirement plans.

• Mortgage credit.
•  Derivatives operations.
• Financial sector.

Scope of Genera XML - Withholdings

Generation of your Withholding Documents in invoice format.
Standard printed representation.
Portal for viewing and consulting issued documents.
Distribution of withholdings generated to recipients through Mi Buzón E.
Safekeeping and storage online.


Download our brochure with detailed and simple information about our solution and how to issue Electronic Documents of Withholdings and Payments complying with the requirements of the SAT.

Brochure Buzón E

Are you interested in our solution?

Contact us to learn more about the scope of Generates XML - withholdings. and hire right now