Tax Control

Web solution for mass downloading of invoices from the SAT database. Reconciliation against ERP and generation of reports of income, expenses, payroll, reconciliation of payment complements, tax calculation and tax audits.
How does it works?

Increase your cash flow by up to 40%
Streamlines the tax refund process and credit balance.
Identify your payment complements and pending invoice balances.
Custom reports.
Generate operational savings of up to 50%
Generate savings according to your purchase history.
Streamlines the accounts receivable process.
Generate personalized reports of income, expenses, taxes, payroll, among others, immediately
· Safeguarding of historical information.
· Generation of income, expense and tax reports.
· Export any field of your invoice to XLS, TXT and CVS.
· The solution is multi-company.
· Reconcile your information, between what the SAT has and your ERP.
· Control and manage the payments made against your received payment complements.
· Download the SAT and know all the fiscal information, taxes and details of each of your invoices issued and received.
· Module for consulting canceled invoices.
· HW and SW infrastructure for your solution.
· Your information will be available 24/7.
· Invoices issued, know the total income and expenses that the SAT has.
· Manage and control the payments received and your payment complements.
· Invoices Received (expenses) know the balance of payments made according to the SAT.
For more information download our brochure, get to know Tax Control and reconcile your SAT information with your ERP.