We are built as a pioneer in courier and electronic invoicing, backed by Grupo Estafeta.
We are Buzon E
About Us

Buzón E has gone from being a leader in digital document exchange and electronic invoicing, to being a leader in generating proposals for digital transformation and technological financial solutions always contemplating regulatory compliance, all under a scheme of high security and confidentiality backed by a robust technological infrastructure that allows us to have high quality standards in our services.
Evolve into digitization!
¡18 years building a paperless world!

We join the committee constituted by the SAT for the analysis of the issuance of Digital Tax Proofs (CFDs)

We generate the first invoice in the country! It was issued for the company Sitios Interactivos de Comercio E, S.A. de C.V., commercially known as Merkalink

We managed to be the first provider of data message retention services under NOM 151 (art. 49 of the Trade Code)

We obtained certification to operate as an Authorized CFD Provider by the SAT

We obtained the CFDI Authorized Certification Provider (PAC) rating by the SAT

Together with 7 other important PACs in the industry, we founded the Mexican Association of Authorized Certification Providers, A.C. (AMEXIPAC)

We renew our technology platform to provide our customers with quality service, faster and safer.

And we're going for more!
¿Why Buzón E?

At Buzón E we are dedicated to offering value technological solutions that will help you optimize your CFDI generation, reception and delivery processes.
Our services are focused on implementing processes for the operational efficiency of our customers through a flexible and reliable operating platform.
With us you will be guaranteed to be able to optimize your current processes through the technological platform of Buzón E.