Self Invoice


A solution to automate the process of issuing and receiving invoices delivered by your issuers (insurance agents, commission agents, landlords, etc.) through an exclusive and secure portal.

In this way, Buzón E enables a membership portal through which the necessary documents and authorizations are collected from its issuers so that the system can carry out its vouchers with the information of your payment.

Costumer benefits

Buzón de entrega asegurada y directa: sin SPAM ni virus.

Direct and secured delivery mailbox: no SPAM or viruses.

Eficiencia, mayor productividad y rentabilidad.

Efficiency, higher productivity and profitability.

Mejora en la comunicación y en el servicio a los emisores.
Reportes de recepción y /o conformidad en línea.

Improved communication and service to issuers.

Receipt and / or compliance reports online.

Simplificación de procesos

Simplification of administrative processes and reduction of delivery times.

Issuer benefits

Información personalizada, confidencial e intransferible

Personalized, confidential and non-transferable information

Notificación vía email de documentos emitidos.

Notification via email of issued documents.

Disponibilidad inmediata de documentos para trámites.

Immediate availability of documents for procedures.

Administración propia y archivo de documentos.

Receipt and / or compliance reports online.

Scopes of Self-Invoice

Generation of invoices from your agents, tenants or business partners through a fast, safe and reliable means.
Daily report of invoices issued.
Error report of unprocessed documents.
Standard printed representation.
Mass membership campaign.
Membership portal through which its issuers register to start generating their vouchers with Buzón E.

Are you interested in AutoFactura?

Contact us to learn more about everything you can do with Self-Invoice.
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